Storytelling and Comedy with a Purpose!
National Speaker, Storyteller, Comedian and Author, Keith Poletiek, shares the Good News of Jesus in a humorous, powerful and kid-friendly way – which helps kids grow spiritually and have fun at the same time. His high-energy style of communicating makes him a favorite among many, and he is asked to return year after year as a guest speaker for numerous churches, schools, camps and conferences across the nation. With over 25 years of experience he knows just how to connect with kids, parents and all ages as he calls on God to speak through him and use him wherever and whenever possible.
Keith is the founder of 316, and Project316, an outreach ministry for Preteens and their families as he works hard to motivate families to live mission every day.
Keith is also the author of The Adventures of Johnny Lazarus Book Series, a Christian Fiction series for young readers who love adventure, humor and need a tool to help share their faith with their friends in a non-threatening way.
Keith lives in Huntington Beach, CA with his wife, Tina, where he also runs his 316 ministry. He has two grown children and one granddaughter.
Don't be shy... Get in touch with Keith today.
© 2022 Keith Poletiek